CosMedic products are shipped from the warehouse and there may be a decrease in inventory for a few days. A registration number is required to place an order, which our customer service will provide to customers. As the products are professional materials, they are only available to professionals. Approval of registration may take up to 3 business days.
Order processing time is 4-6 days.
If not all products are available for your order, shipping typically occurs 5-8 business days later unless otherwise notified.
Courier service, tracking number, and delivery time
The cost of shipping to EU member states is EUR 30, we reserve the right to change this. CosMedic is not responsible for delivery errors if the shipping address provided by the customer is incorrect or the customer changes it during transit.
Return policy
CosMedic accepts returns of any product within 8 business days of receipt, provided the reason falls under one of the following conditions:
- The product contains manufacturing defects.
- The product was damaged upon arrival.
- The wrong product was received.
If any of the above conditions are met, please contact us by email at or contact our customer service.
For returned products, you can choose between exchanging the products or receiving a 100% refund. Refunds will be made using the original payment method used at the time of purchase. We cannot accept returned products after 8 days. Until you receive return instructions from us, please follow the temperature and storage requirements specified by the manufacturer.
Refunds will be credited back to the original bank card used to place the order. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Please note that the processing of refunds may vary among payment providers and may take up to 29 business days for the amount to be credited to your account. If you would like to expedite the process, please contact your bank.